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Tutti i filmati di Public Domain

Totale: 862

È nata una stella

1937Esther Blodgett, una ragazza di provincia, ha come sogno nel cassetto quello di diventare attrice, così si trasferisce a Hollywood.Trovare un ingaggio però non è semplice e dopo alcuni mesi di miseria in cui si arrangia facendo anche la cameriera, conosce Norman Maine, un attore di successo. Norman si innamora di lei e la presenta al suo manager. I due si sposano e Esther, col nome d’arte di Vicki Lester, diventa in breve tempo una diva famosa e apprezzata, mentre Norman sprofonda sempre più, cadendo nel vizio dell'alcool.Visita il sito: ... continua

Sherlock Holmes - Terror by Night

1946 - Mystery / Thriller
Holmes is hired by Roland Carstairs to prevent the theft of the Star of Rhodesia, an enormous diamond owned by Carstairs' mother, Lady Margaret. Believing the diamond will be stolen on a train trip from London to Edinburgh, Holmes deftly switches diamonds with Lady Margaret while in her compartment. Soon after, Roland is murdered and the fake diamond is stolen. Red herrings abound as Holmes, aided by Dr. Watson and Inspector Lestrade, discover the murderer's hiding place and deduce that long-time foe Moriarty's henchman Colonel Sebastian ... continua

The Black Pirate

1974 - Crime / Action / Drama
A nobleman vows to avenge the death of his father at the hands of pirates. To this end he infiltrates the pirate band. Acting in character he is instrumental in the capture of a ship, but things are complicated when he finds that there is a young woman on board whom he wishes to protect from the threat of rape.
Directed by:Albert Parker
Writing credits:Douglas Fairbanks, Jack Cunningham
Complete Credited cast:
Billie DoveTempe PigottDonald CrispSam De GrasseAnders RandolfCharles StevensCharles BelcherDouglas Fairbanks ... continua

Tarzan's Revenge

1938 - Action Eleanor and her parents are hunting big game, acompanied by her wimpish fiance. Ben lleu Bey wants to add her to his 100-woman harem. Tarzan wants her too.Directed by: D. Ross Lederman Writing credits: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert Lee JohnsonCast: Glenn Morris, Eleanor Holm, George Barbier, C. Henry Gordon, Hedda Hopper, Joe Sawyer, George Meeker, Corbet Morris, John Lester Johnson, Frederick Clarke Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: Download the parallel text en-it

Under California Stars

1944 - Western Roy has just finished his latest film and leaves for his ranch where he will be broadcasting a show celebrating his tenth year in movies. When Roy and Trigger arrive at his ranch he finds Cookie has hired his relatives. Caroline, the only relative that doesn't have a strong resemblance to Cookie, is the horse trainer. Bob Tells Roy a gang of men are hunting range horses. Roy puts a stop to hunting on his land. Pop decides there's money in kidnapping Trigger and demands a $100,000 ransom. McFarland's stepson, Ted, and his dog Tramp, run away and is found ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 7

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

A chi tocca, tocca...!

Versione ingleseDue agenti israeliani hanno il compito di neutralizzare un carico pericolosom di uranio indirizzato ad un paese arabo. scarica sottotitoli: Visualizza il testo parallelo EN-IT

Black brigade

Un film di George McCowanCon Stephen Boyd, Robert Hooks, Susan Oliver, Roosevelt GrierGenere: GuerraProduzione USA1970 (Black Brigade)Un ufficiale razzista viene messo a capo di uno squadrone di soldati dicolore con l'obiettivo di strappare ai nazisti un ponte di grande importanza strategica


1980 - Sci-fi A military-engineered virus, released during a plane crash, kills the entire human population. The only survivors are scientists in Antarctica...Directed by: Kinji Fukasaku Writing credits: Sakyo Komatsu, Kôji Takada Cast: George Kennedy - Bo Svenson - Stephanie Faulkner - Nicholas Campbell - Masao Kusakari - Isao Natsuyagi - Tsunehiko Watase - Sonny Chiba - Kensaku Morita - Toshiyuki Nagashima - Chris Wiggins - John Evans - Olivia Hussey - Cec Linder - Edward James OlmosVisit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com
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Sex Madness

1938 - Drama This sex exploitation film includes wild parties, sex out of wedlock, lesbianism, etc. Directed by:Dwain Esper Writing credits:Joseph Seiden, Vincent Valentini Complete credited cast: Vivian McGill Rose TapleyAl RigaliMark DanielsLinda Lee HillRuth EdellCharles OlcottEd ReddingPat LawrenceAllen TowerRichard BengaliW. BlakeFrank HowsenAllan LeeJean Temple Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com